Chairing a session: Teaching music in a post-COVID worldDescription
On Saturday 24 April 2021, the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) held a free online conference for music professionals, examining key topics including touring, teaching, diversity and working online, and providing future-focused tips and tools to help professional development.Teaching music in a post-COVID world
Chair: Pauline Black (Music Education Lecturer, University of Aberdeen)
Panellists: John Robinson (ISM Head of Compliance & Legal), Sharon Mark-Teggart (Co-Founder and Director of The Curious Piano Teachers), Steph Power (Examiner, Composer, Writer, Critic and Chair of Tŷ Cerdd), James Owen Lewis (Risk Adviser, Deloitte LLP)
How has COVID-19 impacted music teachers, and what do they need to consider in order to protect themselves and their pupils? The session, aimed at private and peripatetic music teachers, considered the future of instrumental and vocal teaching in light of the pandemic. It explored health and safety and risk assessment, online teaching and exams, teaching fees, employment status and legal rights.
Period | Apr 2021 |
Event title | The ISM Building for the future |
Event type | Conference |
Degree of Recognition | National |