Herald- Agenda: Remembrance Day must not be hijacked by rampant nationalism

  • Neil Douglas Roderick McLennan

Press/Media: Other


THIS Remembrance Day should be particularly poignant. Clearly 2018 will be the most significant and moving. The 100th anniversary of “the war to end all wars” ceasing should be a wake-up call to all us as to the suffering of war and a rallying call for us to avoid it at all costs in the future.

This year we have witnessed the retelling of Somme, Gallipoli, Jutland memories against events of this year such as the Chilcot report and the chilling scenes in Aleppo. And so November gives a time for solemn, respectful and reverent remembrance. The message is one of faith (in the support of others), hope (for future peace) and charity (to those who paid the supreme sacrifice). Or is it?

Period11 Nov 2016

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