Majority of Scots wants to see marine area in new national park

Press/Media: Other


Interview with STVĀ 

The majority of people in Scotland would like to see coastal and marine areas included in a new national park, according to a new survey.

But with just weeks until the deadline for submissions, some groups have voiced concerns about the proposals.

Period12 Feb 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleMajority of Scots wants to see marine area in new national park
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletSTV
    Media typeTelevision
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe majority of people in Scotland would like to see coastal and marine areas included in a new national park, according to a new survey.

    But with just weeks until the deadline for submissions, some groups have voiced concerns about the proposals.
    Producer/AuthorHayley Bouma
    PersonsMitchell Lennan


  • national park
  • Scotland
  • marine
  • coastal
  • Environment
  • law