Spinoza, equality, and housing design


Description of impact

Beth Lord’s project Equalities of Wellbeing in Philosophy and Architecture investigated concepts of equality and wellbeing in Spinoza’s philosophy, and applied those concepts to architecture and housing. This unique pairing revealed the significance of Spinoza’s thought for the UK housing crisis, space standards policy for new housing, and design for wellbeing. Architects and charities found the project important and influential. The widely viewed project film, Equal by Design, informed, shaped, and was selected to feature in a museum exhibition and public programme. The research had social and cultural impact, and impact on the UK’s most prominent housing/homelessness charity that influences policy.

Who is affected by, or benefits from, the research?

Architects, urban planners, housing experts, people working for housing and equality charities, students, general public

Outcomes to Date / Future Developments

Non-academic advisors were engaged with the project from the start. Lord and Rawes worked with architects, Shelter, and The Equality Trust, who attended workshops and contributed to the development and content of the documentary film Equal by Design.
Impact statusImpact Completed (Open)
Impact date20122018


  • Societal