Search results

  • 2013


    Mealor, P., 2013

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Principios rotacionales y forma teleológica en el Concierto de Falla

    Translated title of the contribution: Rotational principles and teleological form in the Falla ConcertCollins, C., 2013, In: Quodlibet. 53, 10, 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Downloads (Pure)
  • Review of Eva Rieger. 2011. Richard Wagner’s Women. Translated by Chris Walton; and Laurence Dreyfus. 2010. Wagner and the Erotic Impulse.

    Coleman, J., 2013, In: Current Musicology. 96, p. 125-136 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Downloads (Pure)
  • Spirit of Hope

    Mealor, P., 2013

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Stepping Stone

    Mealor, P., 2013

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • String Quartet No.5: Haec Dies

    Palmer, G. (Composer), 2013

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Style, structure and motivic fabric in Falla's La vida breve

    Collins, C., 2013, (Unpublished).

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference presentation (Unpublished paper)

  • The Farthest Shore: Composition

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2013

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • The world, the clustering spheres (from 'Praise')

    Mealor, P., 2013

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • 2012

    Giovanni Maria Ruggieri: Cantatas, Op. 5

    Cameron, J. M. (Editor), Dec 2012, Middleton, WI: A-R Editions Inc. 95 p. (Recent researches in the music of the baroque era; vol. 182)

    Research output: Book/ReportScholarly Edition

  • Review of Ravel the Decadent: Memory, Sublimation and Desire by Michael J. Puri. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

    Campbell, E., Dec 2012, In: Modernism/Modernity. 19, 4, p. 809-810 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  • Three Cities (Intermedia Installation)

    Kim, S.-J. (Composer), 27 Oct 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

  • The Transmission of Scottish Fiddle Music

    Gibson, R., 14 Sept 2012.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference presentation (Unpublished paper)

  • Review of: 'Aspects of the Secular Cantata in Late Baroque Italy.' Edited by Michael Talbot. Farnhan & Burlington: Ashgate, 2009

    Cameron, J. M., Sept 2012, In: Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 35, 3, p. 438-439 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review

  • The Reception of Fiddle Music in Eighteenth-Century Scotland

    Gibson, R., 27 Jun 2012.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference presentation (Unpublished paper)

  • crossing_bergen

    Stollery, P. (Composer), 22 Apr 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy

    Klionsky, D. J., Abdalla, F. C., Abeliovich, H., Abraham, R. T., Acevedo-Arozena, A., Adeli, K., Agholme, L., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Aguirre-Ghiso, J. A., Ahn, H. J., Ait-Mohamed, O., Ait-Si-Ali, S., Akematsu, T., Akira, S., Al-Younes, H. M., Al-Zeer, M. A., Albert, M. L., Albin, R. L. & Alegre-Abarrategui, J. & 1,250 others, Aleo, M. F., Alirezaei, M., Almasan, A., Almonte-Becerril, M., Amano, A., Amaravadi, R., Amarnath, S., Amer, A. O., Andrieu-Abadie, N., Anantharam, V., Ann, D. K., Anoopkumar-Dukie, S., Aoki, H., Apostolova, N., Arancia, G., Aris, J. P., Asanuma, K., Asare, N. Y. O., Ashida, H., Askanas, V., Askew, D. S., Auberger, P., Baba, M., Backues, S. K., Baehrecke, E. H., Bahr, B. A., Bai, X.-Y., Bailly, Y., Baiocchi, R., Baldini, G., Balduini, W., Ballabio, A., Bamber, B. A., Bampton, E. T. W., Bánhegyi, G., Bartholomew, C. R., Bassham, D. C., Bast, R. C., Batoko, H., Bay, B.-H., Beau, I., Béchet, D. M., Begley, T. J., Behl, C., Behrends, C., Bekri, S., Bellaire, B., Bendall, L. J., Benetti, L., Berliocchi, L., Bernardi, H., Bernassola, F., Besteiro, S., Bhatia-Kissova, I., Bi, X., Biard-Piechaczyk, M., Blum, J. S., Boise, L. H., Bonaldo, P., Boone, D. L., Bornhauser, B. C., Bortoluci, K. R., Bossis, I., Bost, F., Bourquin, J.-P., Boya, P., Boyer-Guittaut, M., Bozhkov, P. V., Brady, N. R., Brancolini, C., Brech, A., Brenman, J. E., Brennand, A., Bresnick, E. H., Brest, P., Bridges, D., Bristol, M. L., Brookes, P. S., Brown, E. J., Brumell, J. H., Brunetti-Pierri, N., Brunk, U. T., Bulman, D. E., Bultman, S. J., Bultynck, G., Burbulla, L. F., Bursch, W., Butchar, J. P., Buzgariu, W., Bydlowski, S. P., Cadwell, K., Cahová, M., Cai, D., Cai, J., Cai, Q., Calabretta, B., Calvo-Garrido, J., Camougrand, N., Campanella, M., Campos-Salinas, J., Candi, E., Cao, L., Caplan, A. B., Carding, S. R., Cardoso, S. M., Carew, J. S., Carlin, C. R., Carmignac, V., Carneiro, L. A. M., Carra, S., Caruso, R. A., Casari, G., Casas, C., Castino, R., Cebollero, E., Cecconi, F., Celli, J., Chaachouay, H., Chae, H.-J., Chai, C.-Y., Chan, D. C., Chan, E. Y., Chang, R.C.-C., Che, C.-M., Chen, C.-C., Chen, G.-C., Chen, G.-Q., Chen, M., Chen, Q., Chen, S.S.-L., Chen, W., Chen, X., Chen, X., Chen, X., Chen, Y.-G., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, Y.-J., Chen, Z., Cheng, A., Cheng, C. H. K., Cheng, Y., Cheong, H., Cheong, J.-H., Cherry, S., Chess-Williams, R., Cheung, Z. H., Chevet, E., Chiang, H.-L., Chiarelli, R., Chiba, T., Chin, L.-S., Chiou, S.-H., Chisari, F. V., Cho, C. H., Cho, D.-H., Choi, A. M. K., Choi, D., Choi, K. S., Choi, M. E., Chouaib, S., Choubey, D., Choubey, V., Chu, C. T., Chuang, T.-H., Chueh, S.-H., Chun, T., Chwae, Y.-J., Chye, M.-L., Ciarcia, R., Ciriolo, M. R., Clague, M. J., Clark, R. S. B., Clarke, P. G. H., Clarke, R., Codogno, P., Coller, H. A., Colombo, M. I., Comincini, S., Condello, M., Condorelli, F., Cookson, M. R., Coombs, G. H., Coppens, I., Corbalan, R., Cossart, P., Costelli, P., Costes, S., Coto-Montes, A., Couve, E., Coxon, F., Cregg, J. M., Crespo, J. L., Cronjé, M. J., Cuervo, A. M., Cullen, J. J., Czaja, M. J., D'Amelio, M., Darfeuille-Michaud, A., Davids, L. M., Davies, F. E., De Felici, M., de Groot, J. F., de Haan, C. A. M., De Martino, L., De Milito, A., De Tata, V., Debnath, J., Degterev, A., Dehay, B., Delbridge, L. M. D., Demarchi, F., Deng, Y. Z., Dengjel, J., Dent, P., Denton, D., Deretic, V., Desai, S. D., Devenish, R. J., Di Gioacchino, M., Di Paolo, G., Di Pietro, C., Díaz-Araya, G., Díaz-Laviada, I., Diaz-Meco, M. T., Diaz-Nido, J., Dikic, I., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Ding, W.-X., Distelhorst, C. W., Diwan, A., Djavaheri-Mergny, M., Dokudovskaya, S., Dong, Z., Dorsey, F. C., Dosenko, V., Dowling, J. J., Doxsey, S., Dreux, M., Drew, M. E., Duan, Q., Duchosal, M. A., Duff, K., Dugail, I., Durbeej, M., Duszenko, M., Edelstein, C. L., Edinger, A. L., Egea, G., Eichinger, L., Eissa, N. T., Ekmekcioglu, S., El-Deiry, W. S., Elazar, Z., Elgendy, M., Ellerby, L. M., Eng, K. E., Engelbrecht, A.-M., Engelender, S., Erenpreisa, J., Escalante, R., Esclatine, A., Eskelinen, E.-L., Espert, L., Espina, V., Fan, H., Fan, J., Fan, Q.-W., Fan, Z., Fang, S., Fang, Y., Fanto, M., Fanzani, A., Farkas, T., Farré, J.-C., Faure, M., Fechheimer, M., Feng, C. G., Feng, J., Feng, Q., Feng, Y., Fésüs, L., Feuer, R., Figueiredo-Pereira, M. E., Fimia, G. M., Fingar, D. C., Finkbeiner, S., Finkel, T., Finley, K. D., Fiorito, F., Fisher, E. A., Fisher, P. B., Flajolet, M., Florez-McClure, M. L., Florio, S., Fon, E. A., Fornai, F., Fortunato, F., Fotedar, R., Fowler, D. H., Fox, H. S., Franco, R., Frankel, L. B., Fransen, M., Fuentes, J. M., Fueyo, J., Fujii, J., Fujisaki, K., Fujita, E., Fukuda, M., Furukawa, R. H., Gaestel, M., Gailly, P., Gajewska, M., Galliot, B., Galy, V., Ganesh, S., Ganetzky, B., Ganley, I. G., Gao, F.-B., Gao, G. F., Gao, J., Garcia, L., Garcia-Manero, G., Garcia-Marcos, M., Garmyn, M., Gartel, A. L., Gatti, E., Gautel, M., Gawriluk, T. R., Gegg, M. E., Geng, J., Germain, M., Gestwicki, J. E., Gewirtz, D. A., Ghavami, S., Ghosh, P., Giammarioli, A. M., Giatromanolaki, A. N., Gibson, S. B., Gilkerson, R. W., Ginger, M. L., Ginsberg, H. N., Golab, J., Goligorsky, M. S., Golstein, P., Gomez-Manzano, C., Goncu, E., Gongora, C., Gonzalez, C. D., Gonzalez, R., González-Estévez, C., González-Polo, R. A., Gonzalez-Rey, E., Gorbunov, N. V., Gorski, S., Goruppi, S., Gottlieb, R. A., Gozuacik, D., Granato, G. E., Grant, G. D., Green, K. N., Gregorc, A., Gros, F., Grose, C., Grunt, T. W., Gual, P., Guan, J.-L., Guan, K.-L., Guichard, S. M., Gukovskaya, A. S., Gukovsky, I., Gunst, J., Gustafsson, A. B., Halayko, A. J., Hale, A. N., Halonen, S. K., Hamasaki, M., Han, F., Han, T., Hancock, M. K., Hansen, M., Harada, H., Harada, M., Hardt, S. E., Harper, J. W., Harris, A. L., Harris, J., Harris, S. D., Hashimoto, M., Haspel, J. A., Hayashi, S.-I., Hazelhurst, L. A., He, C., He, Y.-W., Hébert, M.-J., Heidenreich, K. A., Helfrich, M. H., Helgason, G. V., Henske, E. P., Herman, B., Herman, P. K., Hetz, C., Hilfiker, S., Hill, J. A., Hocking, L. J., Hofman, P., Hofmann, T. G., Höhfeld, J., Holyoake, T. L., Hong, M.-H., Hood, D. A., Hotamisligil, G. S., Houwerzijl, E. J., Høyer-Hansen, M., Hu, B., Hu, C.-A. A., Hu, H.-M., Hua, Y., Huang, C., Huang, J., Huang, S., Huang, W.-P., Huber, T. B., Huh, W.-K., Hung, T.-H., Hupp, T. R., Hur, G. M., Hurley, J. B., Hussain, S. N. A., Hussey, P. J., Hwang, J. J., Hwang, S., Ichihara, A., Ilkhanizadeh, S., Inoki, K., Into, T., Iovane, V., Iovanna, J. L., Ip, N. Y., Isaka, Y., Ishida, H., Isidoro, C., Isobe, K.-I., Iwasaki, A., Izquierdo, M., Izumi, Y., Jaakkola, P. M., Jäättelä, M., Jackson, G. R., Jackson, W. T., Janji, B., Jendrach, M., Jeon, J.-H., Jeung, E.-B., Jiang, H., Jiang, H., Jiang, J. X., Jiang, M., Jiang, Q., Jiang, X., Jiang, X., Jiménez, A., Jin, M., Jin, S., Joe, C. O., Johansen, T., Johnson, D. E., Johnson, G. V. W., Jones, N. L., Joseph, B., Joseph, S. K., Joubert, A. M., Juhász, G., Juillerat-Jeanneret, L., Jung, C. H., Jung, Y.-K., Kaarniranta, K., Kaasik, A., Kabuta, T., Kadowaki, M., Kagedal, K., Kamada, Y., Kaminskyy, V. O., Kampinga, H. H., Kanamori, H., Kang, C., Kang, K. B., Kang, K. I., Kang, R., Kang, Y.-A., Kanki, T., Kanneganti, T.-D., Kanno, H., Kanthasamy, A. G., Kanthasamy, A., Karantza, V., Kaushal, G. P., Kaushik, S., Kawazoe, Y., Ke, P.-Y., Kehrl, J. H., Kelekar, A., Kerkhoff, C., Kessel, D. H., Khalil, H., Kiel, J. A. K. W., Kiger, A. A., Kihara, A., Kim, D. R., Kim, D.-H., Kim, D.-H., Kim, E.-K., Kim, H.-R., Kim, J.-S., Kim, J. H., Kim, J. C., Kim, J. K., Kim, P. K., Kim, S. W., Kim, Y.-S., Kim, Y., Kimchi, A., Kimmelman, A. C., King, J. S., Kinsella, T. J., Kirkin, V., Kirshenbaum, L. A., Kitamoto, K., Kitazato, K., Klein, L., Klimecki, W. T., Klucken, J., Knecht, E., Ko, B. C. B., Koch, J. C., Koga, H., Koh, J.-Y., Koh, Y. H., Koike, M., Komatsu, M., Kominami, E., Kong, H. J., Kong, W.-J., Korolchuk, V. I., Kotake, Y., Koukourakis, M. I., Kouri Flores, J. B., Kovács, A. L., Kraft, C., Krainc, D., Krämer, H., Kretz-Remy, C., Krichevsky, A. M., Kroemer, G., Krüger, R., Krut, O., Ktistakis, N. T., Kuan, C.-Y., Kucharczyk, R., Kumar, A., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Kundu, M., Kung, H.-J., Kurz, T., Kwon, H. J., La Spada, A. R., Lafont, F., Lamark, T., Landry, J., Lane, J. D., Lapaquette, P., Laporte, J. F., László, L., Lavandero, S., Lavoie, J. N., Layfield, R., Lazo, P. A., Le, W., Le Cam, L., Ledbetter, D. J., Lee, A. J. X., Lee, B.-W., Lee, G. M., Lee, J., Lee, J.-H., Lee, M., Lee, M.-S., Lee, S. H., Leeuwenburgh, C., Legembre, P., Legouis, R., Lehmann, M., Lei, H.-Y., Lei, Q.-Y., Leib, D. A., Leiro, J., Lemasters, J. J., Lemoine, A., Lesniak, M. S., Lev, D., Levenson, V. V., Levine, B., Levy, E., Li, F., Li, J.-L., Li, L., Li, S., Li, W., Li, X.-J., Li, Y.-B., Li, Y.-P., Liang, C., Liang, Q., Liao, Y.-F., Liberski, P. P., Lieberman, A., Lim, H. J., Lim, K.-L., Lim, K., Lin, C.-F., Lin, F.-C., Lin, J., Lin, J. D., Lin, K., Lin, W.-W., Lin, W.-C., Lin, Y.-L., Linden, R., Lingor, P., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Lisanti, M. P., Liton, P. B., Liu, B., Liu, C.-F., Liu, K., Liu, L., Liu, Q. A., Liu, W., Liu, Y.-C., Liu, Y., Lockshin, R. A., Lok, C.-N., Lonial, S., Loos, B., Lopez-Berestein, G., López-Otín, C., Lossi, L., Lotze, M. T., Lőw, P., Lu, B., Lu, B., Lu, B., Lu, Z., Luciano, F., Lukacs, N. W., Lund, A. H., Lynch-Day, M. A., Ma, Y., Macian, F., MacKeigan, J. P., Macleod, K. F., Madeo, F., Maiuri, L., Maiuri, M. C., Malagoli, D., Malicdan, M. C. V., Malorni, W., Man, N., Mandelkow, E.-M., Manon, S., Manov, I., Mao, K., Mao, X., Mao, Z., Marambaud, P., Marazziti, D., Marcel, Y. L., Marchbank, K., Marchetti, P., Marciniak, S. J., Marcondes, M., Mardi, M., Marfe, G., Mariño, G., Markaki, M., Marten, M. R., Martin, S. J., Martinand-Mari, C., Martinet, W., Martinez-Vicente, M., Masini, M., Matarrese, P., Matsuo, S., Matteoni, R., Mayer, A., Mazure, N. M., McConkey, D. J., McConnell, M. J., McDermott, C., McDonald, C., McInerney, G. M., McKenna, S. L., McLaughlin, B., McLean, P. J., McMaster, C. R., McQuibban, G. A., Meijer, A. J., Meisler, M. H., Meléndez, A., Melia, T. J., Melino, G., Mena, M. A., Menendez, J. A., Menna-Barreto, R. F. S., Menon, M. B., Menzies, F. M., Mercer, C. A., Merighi, A., Merry, D. E., Meschini, S., Meyer, C. G., Meyer, T. F., Miao, C.-Y., Miao, J.-Y., Michels, P. A. M., Michiels, C., Mijaljica, D., Milojkovic, A., Minucci, S., Miracco, C., Miranti, C. K., Mitroulis, I., Miyazawa, K., Mizushima, N., Mograbi, B., Mohseni, S., Molero, X., Mollereau, B., Mollinedo, F., Momoi, T., Monastyrska, I., Monick, M. M., Monteiro, M. J., Moore, M. N., Mora, R., Moreau, K., Moreira, P. I., Moriyasu, Y., Moscat, J., Mostowy, S., Mottram, J. C., Motyl, T., Moussa, C.E.-H., Müller, S., Muller, S., Münger, K., Münz, C., Murphy, L. O., Murphy, M. E., Musarò, A., Mysorekar, I., Nagata, E., Nagata, K., Nahimana, A., Nair, U., Nakagawa, T., Nakahira, K., Nakano, H., Nakatogawa, H., Nanjundan, M., Naqvi, N. I., Narendra, D. P., Narita, M., Navarro, M., Nawrocki, S. T., Nazarko, T. Y., Nemchenko, A., Netea, M. G., Neufeld, T. P., Ney, P. A., Nezis, I. P., Nguyen, H. P., Nie, D., Nishino, I., Nislow, C., Nixon, R. A., Noda, T., Noegel, A. A., Nogalska, A., Noguchi, S., Notterpek, L., Novak, I., Nozaki, T., Nukina, N., Nürnberger, T., Nyfeler, B., Obara, K., Oberley, T. D., Oddo, S., Ogawa, M., Ohashi, T., Okamoto, K., Oleinick, N. L., Oliver, F. J., Olsen, L. J., Olsson, S., Opota, O., Osborne, T. F., Ostrander, G. K., Otsu, K., Ou, J.-H. J., Ouimet, M., Overholtzer, M., Ozpolat, B., Paganetti, P., Pagnini, U., Pallet, N., Palmer, G. E., Palumbo, C., Pan, T., Panaretakis, T., Pandey, U. B., Papackova, Z., Papassideri, I., Paris, I., Park, J., Park, O. K., Parys, J. B., Parzych, K. R., Patschan, S., Patterson, C., Pattingre, S., Pawelek, J. M., Peng, J., Perlmutter, D. H., Perrotta, I., Perry, G., Pervaiz, S., Peter, M., Peters, G. J., Petersen, M., Petrovski, G., Phang, J. M., Piacentini, M., Pierre, P., Pierrefite-Carle, V., Pierron, G., Pinkas-Kramarski, R., Piras, A., Piri, N., Platanias, L. C., Pöggeler, S., Poirot, M., Poletti, A., Poüs, C., Pozuelo-Rubio, M., Prætorius-Ibba, M., Prasad, A., Prescott, M., Priault, M., Produit-Zengaffinen, N., Progulske-Fox, A., Proikas-Cezanne, T., Przedborski, S., Przyklenk, K., Puertollano, R., Puyal, J., Qian, S.-B., Qin, L., Qin, Z.-H., Quaggin, S. E., Raben, N., Rabinowich, H., Rabkin, S. W., Rahman, I., Rami, A., Ramm, G., Randall, G., Randow, F., Rao, V. A., Rathmell, J. C., Ravikumar, B., Ray, S. K., Reed, B. H., Reed, J. C., Reggiori, F., Régnier-Vigouroux, A., Reichert, A. S., Reiners, J. J., Reiter, R. J., Ren, J., Revuelta, J. L., Rhodes, C. J., Ritis, K., Rizzo, E., Robbins, J., Roberge, M., Roca, H., Roccheri, M. C., Rocchi, S., Rodemann, H. P., Rodríguez de Córdoba, S., Rohrer, B., Roninson, I. B., Rosen, K., Rost-Roszkowska, M. M., Rouis, M., Rouschop, K. M. A., Rovetta, F., Rubin, B. P., Rubinsztein, D. C., Ruckdeschel, K., Rucker, E. B., Rudich, A., Rudolf, E., Ruiz-Opazo, N., Russo, R., Rusten, T. E., Ryan, K. M., Ryter, S. W., Sabatini, D. M., Sadoshima, J., Saha, T., Saitoh, T., Sakagami, H., Sakai, Y., Salekdeh, G. H., Salomoni, P., Salvaterra, P. M., Salvesen, G., Salvioli, R., Sanchez, A. M. J., Sánchez-Alcázar, J. A., Sánchez-Prieto, R., Sandri, M., Sankar, U., Sansanwal, P., Santambrogio, L., Saran, S., Sarkar, S., Sarwal, M., Sasakawa, C., Sasnauskiene, A., Sass, M., Sato, K., Sato, M., Schapira, A. H. V., Scharl, M., Schätzl, H. M., Scheper, W., Schiaffino, S., Schneider, C., Schneider, M. E., Schneider-Stock, R., Schoenlein, P. V., Schorderet, D. F., Schüller, C., Schwartz, G. K., Scorrano, L., Sealy, L., Seglen, P. O., Segura-Aguilar, J., Seiliez, I., Seleverstov, O., Sell, C., Seo, J. B., Separovic, D., Setaluri, V., Setoguchi, T., Settembre, C., Shacka, J. J., Shanmugam, M., Shapiro, I. M., Shaulian, E., Shaw, R. J., Shelhamer, J. H., Shen, H.-M., Shen, W.-C., Sheng, Z.-H., Shi, Y., Shibuya, K., Shidoji, Y., Shieh, J.-J., Shih, C.-M., Shimada, Y., Shimizu, S., Shintani, T., Shirihai, O. S., Shore, G. C., Sibirny, A. A., Sidhu, S. B., Sikorska, B., Silva-Zacarin, E. C. M., Simmons, A., Simon, A. K., Simon, H.-U., Simone, C., Simonsen, A., Sinclair, D. A., Singh, R., Sinha, D., Sinicrope, F. A., Sirko, A., Siu, P. M., Sivridis, E., Skop, V., Skulachev, V. P., Slack, R. S., Smaili, S. S., Smith, D. R., Soengas, M. S., Soldati, T., Song, X., Sood, A. K., Soong, T. W., Sotgia, F., Spector, S. A., Spies, C. D., Springer, W., Srinivasula, S. M., Stefanis, L., Steffan, J. S., Stendel, R., Stenmark, H., Stephanou, A., Stern, S. T., Sternberg, C., Stork, B., Strålfors, P., Subauste, C. S., Sui, X., Sulzer, D., Sun, J., Sun, S.-Y., Sun, Z.-J., Sung, J. J. Y., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, T., Swanson, M. S., Swanton, C., Sweeney, S. T., Sy, L.-K., Szabadkai, G., Tabas, I., Taegtmeyer, H., Tafani, M., Takács-Vellai, K., Takano, Y., Takegawa, K., Takemura, G., Takeshita, F., Talbot, N. J., Tan, K. S. W., Tanaka, K., Tanaka, K., Tang, D., Tang, D., Tanida, I., Tannous, B. A., Tavernarakis, N., Taylor, G. S., Taylor, G. A., Taylor, J. P., Terada, L. S., Terman, A., Tettamanti, G., Thevissen, K., Thompson, C. B., Thorburn, A., Thumm, M., Tian, F., Tian, Y., Tocchini-Valentini, G., Tolkovsky, A. M., Tomino, Y., Tönges, L., Tooze, S. A., Tournier, C., Tower, J., Towns, R., Trajkovic, V., Travassos, L. H., Tsai, T.-F., Tschan, M. P., Tsubata, T., Tsung, A., Turk, B., Turner, L. S., Tyagi, S. C., Uchiyama, Y., Ueno, T., Umekawa, M., Umemiya-Shirafuji, R., Unni, V. K., Vaccaro, M. I., Valente, E. M., Van den Berghe, G., van der Klei, I. J., van Doorn, W., van Dyk, L. F., van Egmond, M., van Grunsven, L. A., Vandenabeele, P., Vandenberghe, W. P., Vanhorebeek, I., Vaquero, E. C., Velasco, G., Vellai, T., Vicencio, J. M., Vierstra, R. D., Vila, M., Vindis, C., Viola, G., Viscomi, M. T., Voitsekhovskaja, O. V., von Haefen, C., Votruba, M., Wada, K., Wade-Martins, R., Walker, C. L., Walsh, C. M., Walter, J., Wan, X.-B., Wang, A., Wang, C., Wang, D., Wang, F., Wang, F., Wang, G., Wang, H., Wang, H.-G., Wang, H.-D., Wang, J., Wang, K., Wang, M., Wang, R. C., Wang, X., Wang, X., Wang, Y.-J., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, Z. C., Wang, Z., Wansink, D. G., Ward, D. M., Watada, H., Waters, S. L., Webster, P., Wei, L., Weihl, C. C., Weiss, W. A., Welford, S. M., Wen, L.-P., Whitehouse, C. A., Whitton, J. L., Whitworth, A. J., Wileman, T., Wiley, J. W., Wilkinson, S., Willbold, D., Williams, R. L., Williamson, P. R., Wouters, B. G., Wu, C., Wu, D.-C., Wu, W. K. K., Wyttenbach, A., Xavier, R. J., Xi, Z., Xia, P., Xiao, G., Xie, Z., Xie, Z., Xu, D.-Z., Xu, J., Xu, L., Xu, X., Yamamoto, A., Yamamoto, A., Yamashina, S., Yamashita, M., Yan, X., Yanagida, M., Yang, D.-S., Yang, E., Yang, J.-M., Yang, S. Y., Yang, W., Yang, W. Y., Yang, Z., Yao, M.-C., Yao, T.-P., Yeganeh, B., Yen, W.-L., Yin, J.-J., Yin, X.-M., Yoo, O.-J., Yoon, G., Yoon, S.-Y., Yorimitsu, T., Yoshikawa, Y., Yoshimori, T., Yoshimoto, K., You, H. J., Youle, R. J., Younes, A., Yu, L., Yu, L., Yu, S.-W., Yu, W. H., Yuan, Z.-M., Yue, Z., Yun, C.-H., Yuzaki, M., Zabirnyk, O., Silva-Zacarin, E., Zacks, D., Zacksenhaus, E., Zaffaroni, N., Zakeri, Z., Zeh, H. J., Zeitlin, S. O., Zhang, H., Zhang, H.-L., Zhang, J., Zhang, J.-P., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Zhang, M.-Y., Zhang, X. D., Zhao, M., Zhao, Y.-F., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Z. J., Zheng, X., Zhivotovsky, B., Zhong, Q., Zhou, C.-Z., Zhu, C., Zhu, W.-G., Zhu, X.-F., Zhu, X., Zhu, Y., Zoladek, T., Zong, W.-X., Zorzano, A., Zschocke, J. & Zuckerbraun, B., Apr 2012, In: Autophagy. 8, 4, p. 445-544 100 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2933 Citations (Scopus)
  • Visiones del Quijote en la música del siglo XX [review]

    Collins, C., 1 Jan 2012, In: Fontes Artis Musicae. 59, 1, p. 77-79 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature review

  • Relationships Between Vocal Structures, the Airway, and Craniocervical Posture Investigated Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Miller, N. A., Gregory, J., Semple, S., Aspden, R. M., Stollery, P. & Gilbert, F. J., Jan 2012, In: Journal of Voice. 26, 1, p. 102-109 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)
    6 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Effects of Humming and Pitch on Craniofacial and Craniocervical Morphology Measured Using MRI

    Miller, N. A., Gregory, J., Semple, S., Aspden, R. M., Stollery, P. & Gilbert, F. J., Jan 2012, In: Journal of Voice. 26, 1, p. 90-101 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    19 Citations (Scopus)
    7 Downloads (Pure)
  • 74 Degrees North: Full Opera Score

    Mealor, P. (Composer), Stollery, P. (Composer) & Davidson, P. (Other), 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Cornelis Verdonck (1563/64-1625): His Biography Revisited

    Vanballenberghe, N. Y. C., 2012, In: Journal of the Alamire Foundation. 4, 2, p. 251-258 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Crucifixus

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Crucifixus (for choir and organ)

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • De Profundis

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Different Passings

    Kim, S.-J., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Drop, Drop, Slow Tears

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • How Beautiful On The Mountains

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Hymn of Endless Light

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • I am the Gentle Light

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • In My Dreams

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • I Saw Eternity

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Jubilate! Jubilee!

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Let all the world in every corner sing

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Praise

    Mealor, P., 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Review of Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches (website)

    Gibson, R., 2012, In: The World of Music. 1, 2, p. 168-169 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review

  • The Way of the Cross

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Via Crucis (The Way of the Cross) : for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano. 

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2012

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • 2011


    Stollery, P. (Composer), 24 Oct 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products

  • Complete response rates of rectal cancer to neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy: the North East of Scotland experience

    Stevenson, L., Nicol, L., Macdonald, G., Samuel, L., Murray, G., Yule, S. & Aly, E., Sept 2011, In: Colorectal Disease. 13, s6, p. 24 1 p., LTP69.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Alma Mater

    de Simone, J., 15 Aug 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Great Piano in the Sky

    de Simone, J., 3 Jun 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • The Black Hole

    de Simone, J., 11 May 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • A Prompt Copy of William Dimond’s The Broken Sword: A Nineteenth-Century Melodrama in England and America

    Hicks, J. E., 2011, In: Theatre Notebook. 65, 1, p. 23-40

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • A Tender Light: Anthology of Origional Choral Compositions

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • In Search of Giovanni Maria Ruggieri: recent archival research

    Cameron, J. M., 2011, In: Studi Vivaldiani. 11, p. 13-32 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • O vos omnes: Composition

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Salvator Mundi: Composition for Choir

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Shine Forth a Path of Stars: Composition for Tenor and Piano

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition

  • Twilight: Composition for Baritone & Piano

    Mealor, P. (Composer), 2011

    Research output: Non-textual formComposition