Introducing PIONEER: a project to harness big data in prostate cancer research

Muhammad Imran Omar* (Corresponding Author), Monique J. Roobol, Maria J. Ribal, Thomas Abbott, Paul-Michael Agapow, Sonia Araujo, Alex Asiimwe, Charles Auffray, Irina Balaur, Katharina Bayer, Chiara Bernini, Anders Bjartell, Alberto Briganti, John-Edward Butler-Ransohoff, Riccardo Campi, Marinel Cavelaars, Bertrand De Meulder, Zsuzsanna Devecseri, Marc Dietrich Voss, Konstantinos DimitropoulosSusan Evans-Axelsson, Billy Franks, Louise Fullwood, Denis Horgan, Emma Jane Smith, Amit Kiran, Kati Kivinummi, Mark Lambrecht, Doron Lancet, Peter Lindgren, Sara MacLennan, Steven MacLennan, Maria Manuela Nogueira, Fredrik Moen, Maxim Moinat, Kishore Papineni, Christian Reich, Kristin Reiche, Stijn Rogiers, Claudio Sartini, Kees van Bochove, Femke van Diggelen, Mieke van Hemelrijck, Hein Van Poppel, Jihong Zong, James N'Dow, The PIONEER Consortium

*Corresponding author for this work

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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Enhancement Through the Power of Big Data in Europe (PIONEER) is a European network of excellence for big data in prostate cancer, consisting of 32 private and public stakeholders from 9 countries across Europe. Launched by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 and part of the Big Data for Better Outcomes Programme (BD4BO), the overarching goal of PIONEER is to provide high-quality evidence on prostate cancer management by unlocking the potential of big data. The project has identified critical evidence gaps in prostate cancer care, via a detailed prioritization exercise including all key stakeholders. By standardizing and integrating existing high-quality and multidisciplinary data sources from patients with prostate cancer across different stages of the disease, the resulting big data will be assembled into a single innovative data platform for research. Based on a unique set of methodologies, PIONEER aims to advance the field of prostate cancer care with a particular focus on improving prostate-cancer-related outcomes, health system efficiency by streamlining patient management, and the quality of health and social care delivered to all men with prostate cancer and their families worldwide.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)351-362
Number of pages12
JournalNature reviews. Urology
Early online date27 May 2020
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jun 2020

Bibliographical note

Author Correction: 25 June 2020
The originally published article contained errors in Figure 1 and did not reflect the current organization of the PIONEER consortium. The figure has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the manuscript to reflect the correct organization of PIONEER.

PIONEER is funded through the IMI2 Joint Undertaking and is listed under grant agreement No. 777492. This joint undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.


  • prostate
  • prostate cancer
  • SET
  • MEN
  • RISK


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