Is Metabolic Generalism the Breakfast of Champions for Pathogenic Candida species?

Delma Childers, Jane Usher

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“Metabolic generalism” refers to the ability of an organism to utilise a wide range of nutrients and flexibly adapt to dynamic environmental conditions. For Candida spp., this versatility is crucial for their survival and virulence in diverse host niches [1], allowing them to thrive. In contrast, metabolic specialists follow a strict hierarchy of carbon source utilisation. While this hierarchy does not preclude specialists from potentially utilising a wide range of nutrients, it could delay switching to alternative carbon sources during transitions between host niches. In this Pearl, we will explore major metabolic themes supporting Candida species pathogenesis and highlight how the metabolic specialist, Candida glabrata, provides insights into what metabolic determinants really matter for survival in the host.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1012752
Number of pages6
JournalPLoS Pathogens
Issue number12
Early online date11 Dec 2024
Publication statusPublished - 11 Dec 2024

Bibliographical note

JU is funded by BBSRC Discovery Fellowship (BB/W009625/1). JU acknowledges funding from the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter (MR/N006364/2 and MR/V033417/1. D.S.C. acknowledges funding from the Academy of Medical Sciences (SBF006\1128). We are grateful to our colleagues at the University of Aberdeen Institute of Medical Sciences for their advice during figure drafting. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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