Lost in Legislation”: il diritto multilivello delle biobanche di ricerca nel sistema delle fonti del diritto (convenzioni internazionali, leggi europee, nazionali e regionali, softlaw)

Research output: Working paper


1.Introduction - 2. Biobanks. Defining the framework – 3. Searching for the legal sources – 4. The international scene – 4.1. The UNESCO Declarations – 4.2. The Recommendation of the Council of Europe - 4.3. - Soft law instruments - 5. European legislation - 6. So close, so far: a look to the Spanish legislation – 7. The Italian national regulatory framework – 7.1. The Italian Data Protection Authority authorization – 7.2. Recent trends: the “regionalization” of biobanks’ law in Italy – 8. Concluding remarks
Original languageItalian
Number of pages65
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameTrento Law and Technology Research Group Research Papers
ISSN (Print)2038-520X


  • biobank
  • privacy
  • data protection
  • comparative law
  • intellectual property

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