Prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders in people with Type 2 diabetes: results from the International Prevalence and Treatment of Diabetes and Depression (INTERPRET-DD) study, a collaborative study carried out in 14 countries

C.E. Lloyd* (Corresponding Author), A. Nouwen, N. Sartorius, H.U. Ahmed, A. Alvarez, S. Bahendeka, D. Basangwa, A.E. Bobrov, S. Boden, V. Bulgari, L. Burti, S.K. Chaturvedi, L.C. Cimino, W. Gaebel, G. de Girolamo, T.M. Gondek, M.G. de Braude, A. Guntupalli, M.G. Heinze, L. JiX. Hong, A. Khan, A. Kiejna, A. Kokoszka, T. Kamala, N.M. Lalic, D. Lecic Tosevski, B. Mankovsky, M. Li, A. Musau, K. Müssig, D. Ndetei, G. Rabbani, S.S. Srikanta, E.G. Starostina, M. Shevchuk, R. Taj, O. Vukovic, W. Wölwer, Y. Xin

*Corresponding author for this work

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