Student engagement in practical assessment

Derek Anthony Scott, Jack Kirkman, Cameron John Malcolm, Alison Jenkinson

Research output: Contribution to conferenceUnpublished paperpeer-review

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We have pioneered the use of Objective Structured Practical Examinations in science teaching and previously reported successful delivery of theoretical, practical and problem-solving skills at multiple stations to formally examine a wide range of communication and science laboratory practical skills. As the range of disciplines being examined has expanded, the number of students participating have also increased leading to challenges delivering the required practical skills to all students within the time and space available. Previously, students learned and practiced in advance of the examination in a large, busy all-day practical class. However, teaching delivery had the potential to be variable and some students required more time to practice. To address this, two summer students created a series of video teaching resources in collaboration with academic and technical staff. These videos were released to students through the VLE and students were instructed to prepare prior to the practical class. Smaller groups of students were allocated to 2 hour practical classes where focussed practice time and further instruction was available. We will report on student engagement through VLE usage statistics, academic outcomes and include a student perspective on use of these resources for preparation for assessments, research projects and enhancing employability skills.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2018


  • OSPE
  • objective structured practical examination
  • student engagement
  • physiology
  • pharmacology
  • medical science
  • video
  • practical teaching
  • practical class
  • student-led


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