The determinants of web-based investor relations activities by companies operating in emerging economies: the case of Jordan

Clare Roberts, Naser AbuGhazaleh, Amer Qasim

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Using a multi-theoretical approach, this study seeks to examine the determinants of corporate web-based investor relations (IR) activities for companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange. Jordan provides an interesting context to pursue the objectives of this study because it provides insights into how listed companies are voluntarily responding to recent government and financial market regulators’ initiatives to encourage the use of the internet and to keep financial market participants informed about corporate activities. A survey analysis is conducted to examine online reporting practices of Jordanian listed companies. The explanatory analysis relies on logistic, ranked and normal scores ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analyses and identifies ten explanatory variables that may affect the existence and level of web-based IR disclosure; company size, profitability, government ownership, institutional ownership, number of shareholders, growth prospects, age, industry type, auditor type, and equity need. Results reveal that the existence of web sites is positively related to company size and industry (Financials) while the extent of web-based IR disclosure is significantly positively related to size, governmental ownership, institutional ownership, number of shareholders, and industrial type (Financials); however, it is negatively related to company age.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)209-226
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Applied Business Reseach
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2012


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