The use of LabTutor for the development of new educational materials in a partnership between pharmacy and biomedical undergraduate students and academic staff.

K Hall, Elaine Lyall, Alistair MacDonald, O Ore, Helen Vosper, Iain Rowe, Derek Anthony Scott, Alison Strath

Research output: Contribution to conferenceUnpublished paperpeer-review


NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Pharmacy commissioned the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences (PALS) at Robert Gordon University (RGU) and the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (SIPBS) to undertake a scoping exercise in partnership with one or more Schools of Medicine in Scotland in order to identify topics for teaching collaborations at an undergraduate level. This work has produced a range of positive outcomes including: the appointment of a joint educational research fellow between RGU and Dundee University to examine inter-professional education in medicine and pharmacy; summer scholarships for medical and pharmacy undergraduates at the same universities; and the purchase and integration of the LabTutor educational platform into teaching within the MPharm at RGU. In addition, LabTutor has been used as a focus for collaborative summer projects between pharmacy and biomedical undergraduates at RGU and Aberdeen University.
The aim has been to use LabTutor as a platform to enable undergraduate students to identify a specific area within the curriculum that is of interest, and for them to then develop new teaching and learning materials in a partnership with academic staff and undergraduate colleagues in pharmacy (RGU) and biological sciences (Aberdeen).
A range of LabTutor materials have been successfully developed including: laboratory-based experiments involving physiological measurement; preparatory material to be delivered prior to a simulation exercise; and directed study materials on aspects of the physiology and pharmacology of addiction and of epilepsy. Other outcomes have been the invaluable feedback from the undergraduates on specific aspects of the nature of the courses currently delivered and ideas for quality improvement, which could be taken forward in curriculum review and refinement. The undergraduates have also gained insight into the skills and timeframe required to develop new teaching and learning materials.
Next steps and expectations
The next stage of the project is to undertake steps to ensure that we can achieve spread and sustainability, with funding as always being a key issue. To support this approach we are in the process of establishing a network for LabTutor users and innovators within the academic and healthcare sector in Scotland with the aim to build capacity and share best practice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventScottish Clinical Skills Network Annual Conference 2015 - Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 May 20151 May 2015 (Link to Conference Information 2015)


ConferenceScottish Clinical Skills Network Annual Conference 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • LabTutor
  • pharmacy
  • life science
  • physiology
  • pharmacology
  • education
  • student
  • collaboration
  • data capture
  • practical skills
  • practical class
  • student-led


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