Macaulay, L. (Creator), O’Dolan, C. (Creator), Avenell, A. (Creator), Carroll, P. (Creator), Cotton, S. (Creator), Dombrowski, S. (Creator), Elders, A. (Creator), Goulao, B. (Creator), Gray, C. (Creator), Harris, F. M. (Creator), Hunt, K. (Creator), Kee, F. (Creator), MacLennan, G. (Creator), McDonald, M. D. (Creator), McKinley, M. (Creator), Skinner, R. (Creator), Torrens, C. (Creator), Tod, M. (Creator), Turner, K. (Creator), van der Pol, M. (Creator), Hoddinott, P. (Creator) (
2022). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of text messages with or without endowment incentives for weight management in men with obesity (Game of Stones): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Figshare.