Grampian Laboratory Outcomes Morbidity and Mortality Study (GLOMMS)



The Grampian Laboratory Outcomes Morbidity and Mortality Study incorporates 2 cohorts (-I and –II) from the Grampian adult population resident in 2003 with several years of follow-up. The first has case-note review of ~3400 patients with CKD, this is linked to laboratory data and routine healthcare admission data, renal replacement therapy (RRT) requirements and mortality data. The second is for ~70,00 individuals across the spectrum of renal disease (including ~20,000 with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and ~20,000 with normal kidney function) – these are again linked to routine healthcare data to give information on kidney function, comorbidities and major health care events over time.
Research on the GLOMMS cohorts has contributed to a better understanding of chronic kidney disease and is starting to help with an understanding of what is important in those who suffer episodes of acute kidney injury.
Date made available2014
PublisherGrampian Data Safe Haven
Temporal coverage2003 - 2014
Geographical coverageGrampian

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