The School of Psychology has several state-of-the-art research facilities and access to special populations (such as patients, healthy older adults, schools, industries, among others) to facilitate cutting-edge research in various disciplines of psychology.
Various databases comprising emotional faces of both adults and children are frequently used in order to investigate various aspects of social cognition and emotion perception. E-Prime is most commonly used for data collection, along with E-DataAid, Excel, and SPSS for analysis purposes. Touch-screen experiments are currently being developed using modern tablet technology in order to introduce a more direct-interaction component to social cognition judgements. Computerised questionnaires are used to measure social skills (e.g., the Autism-Spectrum Quotient), emotional intelligence, and mood. Self-report diary measures are also employed to measure sleep patterns. The emotion lab is administered by Dr Margaret Jackson
Various databases comprising emotional faces of both adults and children are frequently used in order to investigate various aspects of social cognition and emotion perception. E-Prime is most commonly used for data collection, along with E-DataAid, Excel, and SPSS for analysis purposes. Touch-screen experiments are currently being developed using modern tablet technology in order to introduce a more direct-interaction component to social cognition judgements. Computerised questionnaires are used to measure social skills (e.g., the Autism-Spectrum Quotient), emotional intelligence, and mood. Self-report diary measures are also employed to measure sleep patterns. The emotion lab is administered by Dr Margaret Jackson
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