We are particularly well equipped for research in the two main research themes of Biomolecular Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry.
Equipment: AFM - NanoObserver from CSI
Allows AFM imaging of surfaces in the following modes: Contact, AC and Force Modulation. Can scan areas up to 100 x 100 m2. Topographic images in all three modes, friction mapping in contact mode, elastic and viscoelastic mapping of surfaces in Force-Modulation and AC modes, respectively.
For any information related to the instrument please contact:
Dr. Angel Cuesta Ciscar
Equipment: AFM - NanoObserver from CSI
Allows AFM imaging of surfaces in the following modes: Contact, AC and Force Modulation. Can scan areas up to 100 x 100 m2. Topographic images in all three modes, friction mapping in contact mode, elastic and viscoelastic mapping of surfaces in Force-Modulation and AC modes, respectively.
For any information related to the instrument please contact:
Dr. Angel Cuesta Ciscar
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