• 1258

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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or
  • ECOSSE: Model to Estimate Carbon in Organic Soils - Sequestration and Emissions

    Dondini, M. (Creator), Smith, J. (Rights Holder), Martin, M. (Data Manager), Richards, M. (Creator), Kuhnert, M. (Creator), Abdalla, M. (Creator), Vetter, S. (Other) & McCalmont, J. (Other), University of Aberdeen, 2022


  • CIRCASA DELIVERABLE D3.1: "Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) on Soil Carbon"

    Soussana, J. (Creator), Arias-Navarro, C. (Creator), Bispo, A. (Creator), Chenu, C. (Creator), Smith, P. (Creator), Kuhnert, M. (Creator), Frelih-Larsen, A. (Creator), Herb, I. (Creator), Kuikman, P. (Creator), Keesstra, S. (Creator), Verhagen, J. (Creator), Claessens, L. (Creator), Emoke, M. B. (Creator), Demenois, J. (Creator), Albrecht, A. (Creator), Verchot, L. (Creator), Montanarella, L. (Creator), Hiederer, R. (Creator), Groundy, M. (Creator), Baldock, J. (Creator), Chotte, J. (Creator) & Kim, J. (Creator), Portail Data INRAE, 2020


  • Data for the consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for EU27 and UK: 1990-2020

    McGrath, M. J. (Creator), Petrescu, A. M. R. (Creator), Peylin, P. (Creator), Andrew, R. M. (Creator), Matthews, B. (Creator), Dentener, F. (Creator), Balkovič, J. (Creator), Bastrikov, V. (Creator), Becker, M. (Creator), Broquet, G. (Creator), Ciais, P. (Creator), Fortems, A. (Creator), Ganzenmüller, R. (Creator), Grassi, G. (Creator), Harris, I. (Creator), Jones, M. (Creator), Knauer, J. (Creator), Kuhnert, M. (Creator), Monteil, G. (Creator), Munassar, S. (Creator), Palmer, P. I. (Creator), Peters, G. P. (Creator), Qiu, C. (Creator), Schelhaas, M. (Creator), Tarasova, O. (Creator), Vizzarri, M. (Creator), Winkler, K. (Creator), Balsamo, G. (Creator), Berchet, A. (Creator), Briggs, P. (Creator), Brockmann, P. (Creator), Chevallier, F. (Creator), Conchedda, G. (Creator), Crippa, M. (Creator), Dellaert, S. (Creator), Denier van der Gon, H. A. C. (Creator), Filipek, S. (Creator), Friedlingstein, P. (Creator), Fuchs, R. (Creator), Gauss, M. (Creator), Gerbig, C. (Creator), Guizzardi, D. (Creator), Günther, D. (Creator), Houghton, R. A. (Creator), Janssens-Maenhout, G. (Creator), Lauerwald, R. (Creator), Lerink, B. (Creator), Luijkx, I. T. (Creator), Moulas, G. (Creator), Muntean, M. (Creator), Nabuurs, G. (Creator), Paquirissamy, A. (Creator), Perugini, L. (Creator), Peters, W. (Creator), Pilli, R. (Creator), Pongratz, J. (Creator), Regnier, P. (Creator), Scholze, M. (Creator), Serengil, Y. (Creator), Smith, P. (Creator), Solazzo, E. (Creator), Thompson, R. L. (Creator), Tubiello, F. N. (Creator), Vesala, T. (Creator) & Walther, S. (Creator), Zenodo, 2022
