An Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Viscosity of Foam at Different Temperatures

Ahmed Bashir, Amin Sharifi Haddad* (Corresponding Author), Roozbeh Rafati

*Corresponding author for this work

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Foam viscosity is a key property to predict the foam flow in narrow channels and porous media. In this study, we investigated the effects of foam quality and temperature on the dynamic foam viscosity and how modifying the composition of colloidal system can alter the foam rheology. It was shown that the addition of nanoparticles and polymer can improve the foam stability at high-temperature conditions and increase the foam apparent viscosity. The results confirmed the foam apparent viscosity can be predicted using a power law model and the flow consistency index of the foam is a strong function of temperature and foam quality, while changes in the power law index with the variation in temperature and foam quality is insignificant. Finally, to predict the foam apparent viscosity, 3-D plots for the flow consistency and power law indices can be generated as a function of foam quality and temperature.
Original languageEnglish
Article number117262
Number of pages15
JournalChemical Engineering Science
Early online date11 Nov 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2 Feb 2022

Bibliographical note

The authors acknowledge the School of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen for providing the required facilities to complete this research; and the financial support from The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (RIG70732). Ahmed Bashir would like to thank the Faculty of Engineering University of Khartoum, Sudan for the financial support of his studies at the University of Aberdeen


  • Apparent viscosity
  • Foam quality
  • Power-law model
  • Shear thinning (pseudo-plastic)
  • Silica nanoparticles
  • Xanthan gum


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