Augmented Reality for Enhancing Life Science Education

John Barrow, Conor Forker, Andrew Sands, Darryl O'Hare, William Hurst

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference presentation (Unpublished paper)peer-review

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Augmented Reality has the opportunity to be a disruptive technology in the delivery of educational materials at all levels, from public outreach activities to expert level teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The attractiveness of AR as a teaching tool is its ability to deliver a blended learning experience created from the mixing of the virtual and real environments or materials in the classroom. This allows students to learn in a variety of ways to mix didactic, experiential and kinaesthetic learning. We have developed, and are in the process of developing, AR applications that aim to transform the learning space into one that is highly interactive,
so this paper will discuss the potential impact of such teaching
interventions on higher education.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventVISUAL 2019 - The Fourth International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms - H10 ROMA CITTA, Rome, Italy
Duration: 30 Jun 20194 Jul 2019


ConferenceVISUAL 2019 - The Fourth International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms
Abbreviated titleVISUAL 2019
Internet address


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