Behind closed doors: scientists’ and science communicators’ discourses on science in society. A study across European research institutions

Silvia Casini, Federico Neresini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Public Engagement (PE) is a marginalized field within a science institute’s 'core business' of doing research. Using interview data from a range of science professionals working in European research institutions, this study addresses fundamental questions about science communication: What role do scientists think they should have in SiS activities? What audience do scientists think they should address? Despite an openess to experiment with PE initiatives, the deficit model remains dominant among research practitioners. The importance of the institutional factor emerges, namely research institutions failure to recognize SiS activities as an integral part of the research profession.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-62
Number of pages26
JournalTecnoscienza. Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2012


  • scientists
  • evaluation
  • space
  • engagement
  • public
  • communication


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