Bhaji on the Beach: Relational Ethics in Practice

Salma Siddique

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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This chapter explores the relational ethics of how meaning is made through the reflexive process of judgments about existential life positions which create moral identities by our actions in the world. I will examine how this moral identity can emerge through using stories as a “social (re)membering”. It is
in the act of social remembering, recognition and regret where Freud (1962) and Nietzsche (1994) argue that morality acts as “the ethics of care” and as a societial mechanism of obligation. Morality serves to legitimatize the social structures and institutions of co-created roles and expected behaviours. The
individual develops ways of being to compensate for frustrations and uncertainty. Nietzsche (1994) explores this tension between the psychological need and the rationalizion of behaviour asmoralised actions and sees this experience as the individual’s attempt to impose one’s will within a socio-e
conomic context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDoing Auto-ethnography
EditorsQueenbala Marak
Place of PublicationNew Delhi-110002 (India)
PublisherSeries Publications
Number of pages27
ISBN (Print)978-81-8387-672-8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2016

Bibliographical note

The chapter originally was written under the title of “Bhaji on the Beach: Teaching Relational Ethics in India”, published in 2015 in Man in India based on conversations with a range of people on a trip in early 2014. The creation and use of the interaction,images, and text was through mutual consent. I would like to show gratitude to individuals encountered during the trip to India and Dr Giovanna Bacchiddu, at the The Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile for
offering critical reflection on the original article.


  • Relational Ethics
  • Autoethnography


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