Comparing home economics: A cross cultural perspective on values

Donna Pendergast, Yvonne Anne Neilson Dewhurst

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


This paper goes beyond the local boundaries of home economics to consider home economics curriculum in another location of the world, literally seeking out new horizons. This is achieved by comparing the Scottish with the Australian, and in particular the Queensland context. Comparisons are made in the following key areas: • The national values education context • The schooling systems • Home economics in the secondary school context. The purpose of this comparison is to seek similarities and consistencies, and also discontinuities and contradictions, such that the question about what is valued, valuable and of value about home economics can begin to be explored. In making a global connection, understandings around the changes and challenges that face the profession and the potential for new horizons are laid open.. Yes. Yes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventProceedings of the national biennial conference of the Home Economics Institute of Australia: Horizons on Home economics - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 10 Jan 200712 Jan 2007


ConferenceProceedings of the national biennial conference of the Home Economics Institute of Australia: Horizons on Home economics


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