Cortical Spike Synchrony as a Measure of Input Familiarity

Clemens Korndörfer, Ekkehard Ullner, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Gordon Pipa

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Spike synchrony, which occurs in various cortical areas in response to specific perception, action, and memory tasks, has sparked a long-standing debate on the nature of temporal organization in cortex. One prominent view is that this type of synchrony facilitates the binding or grouping of separate stimulus components. We argue instead for a more general function: a measure of the prior probability of incoming stimuli, implemented by long-range, horizontal, intracortical connections. We show that networks of this kind—pulse-coupled excitatory spiking networks in a noisy environment—can provide a sufficient substrate for a mechanism of stimulus-dependent spike synchrony. Their dynamics allow for a quick (few spikes) estimate of the match between inputs and the input history as encoded in the network structure. Given the ubiquity of small, strongly excitatory subnetworks in cortex, we thus propose that many experimental observations of spike synchrony can be viewed as signs of input patterns that resemble long-term experience—that is, of patterns with high prior probability.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2491-2510
Number of pages20
JournalNeural computation
Issue number9
Early online date23 Aug 2017
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017

Bibliographical note

J.G.O. was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competividad and FEDER
(Spain, project FIS2015-66503-C3-1-P) and the ICREA Academia programme.
E.U. acknowledges support from the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance
(SULSA) and HPC-Europa2.


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