Creating conspiracies: John Toland’s Art of Restoring and Hanoverian paranoia

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The Art of Restoring (1714) does more than mark the final rupture in the uneasy alliance of Robert Harley and his pen-for-hire, John Toland. It promulgates the notion of a Catholic-French conspiracy intent on placing James back on the British thrones. While slurring the reputation of Harley, the pamphlet sheds light on the cultural construction of Hanoverian court ideology and the elaborate fictions of fear used to legitimate its power. That the pamphlet appeared in the year before a Jacobite uprising suggests a Gothic rendering of the text as a foreshadowing of a nightmare soon to be actualised.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)48-61
Number of pages14
JournalEighteenth Century Ireland Iris an da Chultur
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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