Data Sharing and Interoperability for Data Trusts Workshop: Summary Report

Milan Markovic, Georgios Leontidis, David Matthews, Jessica Enright, Aiden Durrant, David May

Research output: Other contribution

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Data sharing has been at the forefront of technologically driven domains, enabling advancements in system efficiency via data driven mechanisms, and improving traceability and transparency within safety critical domains. Yet data sharing is fraught with challenges both technological (e.g. interoperability, data quality and privacy) and social (e.g. regarding power dynamics, equality). The Data Sharing and Interoperability IoFT Working Group1 was formed to investigate the feasibility and implementation of data trust strategies and technological implementations to address the challenges posed by data sharing in the agri-food sector (ODI, 2020a). The group organised a workshop titled Data Sharing and Interoperability for Data Trusts which took place virtually on November 4th, 2020. The workshop offered opportunities to learn about recent technological advancements for transparency and traceability, and identification of the role that data trusts may play in agri-food under different incarnations of a data trust model. Furthermore, the workshop provided a forum for discussion of these topics, helping to identify and address key opportunities and challenges posed by data trusts in agri-food and how to potentially address them. 21 participants attended the half-day workshop, which consisted of 2 plenary talks, and 2 breakout discussions. The attendees varied in background including academia, industry and policy makers.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2020

Bibliographical note

The workshop was supported by an award made by the UKRI, EPSRC funded Internet of Food Things Network+ grant EP/R045127/1. We would like to thank Paul Mayfield, Hannah Rudman, and Steve Brewer for their contributions to the workshop as well as all our participants for your insightful discussions


  • Data Trusts
  • Agri-food
  • Data Sharing
  • Interoperability
  • Artificial Intelligence


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