Deterrence and denunciation in sentencing murder by stabbing: the Crown sentence appeal in HM Advocate v Palfreman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Examines HM Advocate v Palfreman (Andrew) (HCJ Appeal) allowing the Crown's appeal against a life sentence for murder by stabbing with a punishment part of 12 years as unduly lenient, focusing on the correct application of sentencing guidelines and the continued focus on deterrence in the imposition of punishment parts.
Cases cited
HM Advocate v Palfreman (Andrew) [2023] HCJAC 10; 2023 S.L.T. 513; [2023] 4 WLUK 104 (HCJ Appeal)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2-6
Number of pages5
JournalGreens Criminal Law Bulletin
Issue number183
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Deterrence
  • Life imprisonment
  • Offensive weapons
  • punishment
  • Scotland
  • Sentencing guidelines
  • Undue leniency


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