Economic Impact of the Energy Profits Levy on UKCS Investment Projects

Alexander Kemp, Jesus Arturo Regalado Ruiz De Chavez

Research output: Working paper

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Research in North Sea Economics has been conducted in the Economics Department since 1973. The present and likely future effects of oil and gas developments on the Scottish economy formed the subject of a long term study undertaken for the Scottish Office. The final report of this study, The Economic Impact of North Sea Oil on Scotland, was published by HMSO in 1978. In more recent years further work has been done on the impact of oil on local
economies and on the barriers to entry and characteristics of the supply companies in the offshore oil industry.
The second and longer lasting theme of research has been an analysis of licensing and fiscal regimes applied to petroleum exploitation. Work in this field was initially financed by a major firm of accountants, by British Petroleum, and subsequently by the Shell Grants Committee. Much of this work has involved analysis of fiscal systems in other oil producing countries including Australia, Canada, the United States, Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria and Malaysia. Because of the continuing interest in the UK fiscal system many papers have been produced on the effects of this regime.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Aberdeen: Business School
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023

Publication series

NameNorth Sea Study Occasional Papers
ISSN (Electronic)0143-022X


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