EU Good Governance Promotion in Turkey

Research output: Working paper


The paper introduces the curriculum, methods and workplan of a graduate course titled “EU Good Governance Promotion in Turkey”, taught by the author during the Spring semester of 2019-2020 at Altınbaş University in Istanbul, Turkey. It includes instructions for a simulation game on the European Council. The course endows students with knowledge on EU anti-corruption strategies whilst providing analytical tools to understand good governance from a policy perspective and helps contextualize EU strategies and policies within the anti-corruption research. By doing so, the course aims to contribute to the political science curricula at Turkish universities which remain rather weak when it comes to the EU-related issues of governance.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherVIADUCT Teaching Paper
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series

NameVIADUCT paper series - Teaching Paper III


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