Evidencing the impacts of health research: insights from trials reported in the 2018 Australian Engagement and Impact Assessment

Sarah Prowse* (Corresponding Author), Shaun Treweek, Kirsty Kiezebrink, Catherine R. Hanna

*Corresponding author for this work

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While definitions of impact may vary, they often refer to the wider benefits of research evidenced beyond academia. We evaluated case studies featuring randomised trials from the 2018 Engagement and Impact Assessment to better understand how the impacts of health research are evidenced and assessed within Australia.

We collated and evaluated ‘high’ scoring case studies submitted by higher education institutions with a focus on randomised trials across all areas of health research. A qualitative coding system was used for manual content analysis to assess the key characteristics of trials reported, subsequent impacts and the methods used to evidence impacts.

A total of 14 case studies were identified citing 35 clinical trials. The majority of interventions were behavioural with a focus on mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders. Most trials were phase III, focused on the treatment of the indication and were funded by industry. Contribution to clinical guidelines was the highest cited research impact. While there was evidence of researchers seeking to maximise trial impact, case studies lacked details on the role of trial participants and other beneficiaries in generating impact.

The impacts of health research can be improved through a better understanding of the priorities and agendas of funders, providing evidence of tangible impact rather than information that is contextual or predictive, and through the early development of impact strategies involving both researchers and beneficiaries.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-432
Number of pages10
JournalHealth Promotion Journal of Australia
Issue number2
Early online date26 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

Special thanks to Elizabeth Przywolnik at The University of Notre Dame Australia for providing guidance on research impact within the Australian context.


  • Australia
  • clinical trials
  • impact factors
  • journal
  • research design
  • research support
  • time Factors


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