Existence of integral Hopf orders in twists of group algebras

Juan Cuadra, Ehud Meir

Research output: Working paperPreprint


We find a group-theoretical condition under which a twist of a group algebra, in Movshev's way, admits an integral Hopf order. Let K be a (large enough) number field with ring of integers R. Let G be a finite group and M an abelian subgroup of G of central type. Consider the twist J for KG afforded by a non-degenerate 2-cocycle on the character group M^. We show that if there is a Lagrangian decomposition M^=L×L^ such that L is contained in a normal abelian subgroup N of G, then the twisted group algebra (KG)_J admits a Hopf order X over R. The Hopf order X is constructed as the R-submodule generated by the primitive idempotents of KN and the elements of G. It is indeed a Hopf order of KG such that J,J^-1∈X⊗X. Furthermore, we give some criteria for this Hopf order to be unique. We illustrate this construction with several families of examples. As an application, we provide a further example of simple and semisimple complex Hopf algebra that does not admit integral Hopf orders.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2022


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