Experimental verification of the percussive drilling model

Maolin Liao* (Corresponding Author), Marian Wiercigroch* (Corresponding Author), Mukthar Sayah* (Corresponding Author), James Ing* (Corresponding Author)

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This paper focuses on the experimental verification of a dynamical model describing percussive drilling. The design of the experimental apparatus is introduced firstly, and then the dynamic interactions between rock and indenter are studied experimentally by varying three control parameters, including frequency and amplitude of excitation, and pneumatic pressure applied on the indenter. Additionally, the influence of rock stiffness is analyzed by testing different rock-indenter combinations. Meanwhile, the corresponding numerical simulations were conducted showing good agreements with the experimental results. According to the detailed bifurcation analyses, the dynamic responses of indenter mainly display period-one motions which can further develop into period-two motions via period-doubling bifurcation scenarios, or even chaotic motions by period-doubling cascade. The chaotic vibration of indenter can also return to periodic motions via inverse period-doubling bifurcation or fold bifurcation. Although the period-one motion is the main dynamic response in the considered parameter ranges, its impact number per excitation period varies with parameters, which directly affects the maximal impact acceleration of indenter. This results in more energy being dissipated during repeated weak impacts. Therefore, strong impacts are obtained if the indenter is exhibiting the period-one with one-impact motion. For such a purpose, high excitation frequency and amplitude are suggested, however, the high pneumatic pressure should be avoided since it can trigger chattering of the indenter.
Original languageEnglish
Article number107067
Number of pages17
JournalMechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Early online date2 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021

Bibliographical note

This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51904018), Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (No. 3204049), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. FRF-TP-18-054A1), and Interdisciplinary Research Project for Young Teachers of USTB (Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities) (No. FRF-IDRY-19-006).


  • Nonlinear dynamical system
  • Percussive drilling
  • Bit-rock interactions
  • Bifurcation analysis
  • Experimental studies


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