Extrusive sandstones (extrudites): a new class of stratigraphic trap?

Andrew Hurst, Joseph A. Cartwright, Mads Huuse, Davide Duranti

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

36 Citations (Scopus)


Extrusive sandstone bodies are identified as entirely stratigraphic traps associated with sand injectites. They may be difficult to recognize but have four-way dip closure and are invariably connected through underlying lower permeability strata to parent sandbodies by sandstone dykes or transgressive sills that belong to sand injectite complexes. Extrusive sandstones (extrudites) constitute an immature exploration target, which is largely untested by deliberate exploration wells. Using seismic data alone, the distinction between extrudites and intrusive sills, and between extrudites and depositional sands, may be problematic. Sedimentological criteria may make differentiation possible when core is available. Extrudites are likely to have been drilled and misinterpreted as conventional deep-water turbidites within deep-water systems affected by sand injection.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Specialist publicationSpecial Publication - Geological Society of London
PublisherGeological Society of London
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

in, M.R. Allen, G.P. Goffey, R.K. Morgan and I.M. Walker
eds., The deliberate search for stratigraphic traps: where are they now?

© The Geological Society of London 2006


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