Gateway 2 Medicine Programme

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOral Presentation/ Invited Talk


Gateway 2 Medicine: establishing a holistic programme for widening access students

Since 2017 our G2M programme has been disseminated via different national/international conference presentations and posters. The programme has been presented at the National Scottish Medical Education conference (winner of the prestigious “Process, Development and Implementation” Award, 2018), at the College EXPO (2018) and recently at the Medical Student conference on Widening participation (2019). The G2M programme is also represented at the national “Gateway and Foundation Leaders” network where we regularly provide inputs for the implementation, revision and evaluation of the national widening participation programme. Finally, the G2M programme is disseminated in both primary and secondary schools across North Scotland as well as during University Open Days.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2019

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