Grasping tiny objects

Martin Giesel* (Corresponding Author), Federico de Filippi, Constanze Hesse

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In grasping studies, maximum grip aperture (MGA) is commonly used as an indicator of the object size representation within the visuomotor system. However, a number of additional factors, such as movement safety, comfort, and efficiency, might affect the scaling of MGA with object size and potentially mask perceptual effects on actions. While unimanual grasping has been investigated for a wide range of object sizes, so far very small objects (<5 mm) have not been included. Investigating grasping of these tiny objects is particularly interesting because it allows us to evaluate the three most prominent explanatory accounts of grasping (the perception-action model, the digits-in-space hypothesis, and the biomechanical account) by comparing the predictions that they make for these small objects. In the first experiment, participants (N=26) grasped and manually estimated the height of square cuboids with heights from 0.5 to 5 mm. In the second experiment, a different sample of participants (N=24) performed the same tasks with square cuboids with heights from 5 to 20 mm. We determined MGAs, manual estimation apertures (MEA), and the corresponding just-noticeable differences (JND). In both experiments, MEAs scaled with object height and adhered to Weber’s law. MGAs for grasping scaled with object height in the second experiment but not consistently in the first experiment. JNDs for grasping never scaled with object height. We argue that the digits-in-space hypothesis provides the most plausible account of the data. Furthermore, the findings highlight that the reliability of MGA as an indicator of object size is strongly task-dependent.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1678-1690
Number of pages13
JournalPsychological Research
Issue number5
Early online date30 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024

Data Availability Statement

The data presented here are available online from the Open Science Framework (OSF) with this link: only=3c727e5fec8b4bc2a853b085adf83014


  • dorsal/ventral pathway
  • perception-action model
  • biomechanical factors
  • psychophysics
  • MGA
  • Weber's law


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