Implications of social media use in personal and professional settings

Vladlena Benson (Editor), Stephanie Morgan (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Social media can be viewed as a multi-edged sword that works in unforeseeable ways and does not follow expected patterns. Although social media was intended as a technology to build and maintain connections (with friends, family, colleagues, etc.), it also contributes to social isolation and reduces face-to face communication. On one hand, social media supports communal spirit and development of sound self-esteem; on the other hand, it can encourage addiction and foster narcissism. Social media presence is almost expected from any business; however, an organization’s reputation online can be damaged either momentarily or in the long term. Facebook is said to strengthen friendships; nonetheless, it can harm relationships and destroy careers. The paradoxical nature of social media continuously presents challenges in personal and professional settings. Not only members of the generations X and Y but also users of all ages are challenged regarding how to competently navigate the social media landscape. This remains an under explored domain. Extant literature continually reveals results of new psychological effects that social networking has on people, their relationships, and egos. Organizations, including higher education institutions, tend to launch social media channels without a complete understanding of the risks and legal implications involved. While extant literature reports accounts of exciting developments in learning and teaching supported by social media, the area of privacy and information protection in this context has been understated in Higher Education. In the same manner, the adverse psychological impacts of social media exposure are not considered fully. However, awareness of the “dark side” of social media is growing. Academics argue that social media is inherently different than other types of media. Online social networks are self-developing, dynamic, interconnected, and interactive entities that span beyond the control of an organization, with a specific set of management principles and analysis metrics. The distinct nature of social media presents a challenge in applying known theories and principles from the traditional online media. Consequently, a new set of insights is required to explain the behavior of actors in social media settings. Through an in-depth discussion of a range of issues surrounding the impact of social media and technologies on individuals, firms, and HE organizations, this book creates a rich account of the dual side of social networking applications. It opens a long-awaited debate on further exploration of the unchartered social media territory and instigates new ideas for illumination of this challenging topic
Original languageEnglish
Publisher IGI Global
Number of pages311
ISBN (Print)9781466674011
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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