Implicit theories about groups and stereotyping: The role of group entitativity

Robert J. Rydell, Kurt Hugenberg, Devin Ray, Diane M. Mackie

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100 Citations (Scopus)


The consequences of holding an entity (i.e., the belief that a group's characteristics are fixed) or incremental (i.e., the belief that a group's characteristics are malleable) implicit theory about groups was examined for stereotyping and perceptions of group entitativity. Two studies showed that implicit theories about groups affect stereotyping by changing perceptions of group entitativity. Study 1 found that entity theorists were more likely to stereotype than incremental theorists and that perception of group entitativity significantly accounted for this relation. In Study 2, implicit theories of groups were manipulated via instruction set and entity theorists stereotyped more and perceived groups as more entitative than incremental theorists. Again, the effect of implicit theory was significantly, although partially, mediated by perceptions of group entitativity. The roles of implicit theories about groups and perceptions of group entitativity are discussed regarding stereotyping.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)549-558
Number of pages10
JournalPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2007


  • implicit theories
  • groups
  • entitavity
  • stereotyping


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