Islamic Charity: How Charitable Giving Became Seen as a Threat to National Security

Samantha May* (Corresponding Author)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Since 9/11 and the global War on Terror, practitioners of Islam in Europe and beyond have been scrutinised and surveyed in suspicion of disloyalty and potential disrupters of national social cohesion. Seemingly benign, altruistic practices, such as charity, are viewed as potential threats to national security and have increasingly become subject to counter-terrorism policies. This work seeks to critically assess the assumptions behind the lesser-known financial War on Terror, through exploration of the effects of current policies on Muslim charitable practices in the UK. The consequences of current policies are multi-faceted – from the stigmatization and suspicion of Muslim charities and communities, individual loss of status and financial standing, to a decrease of living standards and/or loss of lives.

Engaging with the everyday socio-political activities of Muslim individuals, this book gives voice to the motivations, apprehensions and challenges faced by Muslim charitable practitioners, and seeks to unearth the consequences of counter-terrorism policy in relation to the UK’s diverse Muslim communities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherZed Books
Number of pages197
ISBN (Print)978 1-78699-945-0
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Islam
  • charity
  • National Security
  • counter-terror


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