"...kryć się przed psami": Problem dialogu polsko-szkockiego w latach 1550-1707

Translated title of the contribution: Hiding from the Dogs: the problem of Polish-Scottish political dialogue, 1550-1707

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The article is a Polish version of the piece published in English (see above) under the translated title. It explores what Poles and Scots knew of each others' political systems in the period leading up to the Anglo-Scottish parliamentary union of 1707. While the example of Poland-Lithuania was frequently cited in debates surrounding the 1603 Anglo-Scottish union of the crowns, it did not feature so prominently in debates around 1707, despite it being the only example in contemporary Europe of a union of the parliaments. The article argues that this is in part because Scots still relied largely on sixteenth-century chronicles published in Latin that cover the Polish union of the crowns with LIthuania, but did not discuss the 1569 Lublin union.
Translated title of the contributionHiding from the Dogs: the problem of Polish-Scottish political dialogue, 1550-1707
Original languageOther
Title of host publicationOd Horodła do Horodła. Unia Horodelska--dzieje i pamięć (1413-2013)
EditorsIgor Kąkolewski, Piotr Kondraciuk, Michał Kopczyński
Place of PublicationZamość, Warsaw
PublisherMuzeum Zamojskie w Zamośc i Muzeum Historii Polski w Warszawie
Number of pages17
ISBN (Print)9788360893449
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2014


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