Metadata to describe the dataset on involved actors and their roles in the governance of innovative contracts for agri-environmental and climate schemes

Claudia Sattler*, Rena Barghusen, Birte Bredemeier, Céline Dutilly, Katrin Prager

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Agri-environmental and climate schemes are an important policy instrument in the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union to maintain biodiversity and safeguard ecosystem services provision for human wellbeing. In the presented dataset, we analyzed 19 innovative contracts for agri-environmental and climate schemes from six European countries, representing examples of four different contract types: result-based, collective, land tenure, and value chain contracts. Our analytical approach comprised three steps: In the first step, we used a method mix combining literature review, web search, and expert consultation to identify potential case examples for the innovative contracts. In the second step, we employed a survey, which was structured in accordance with Ostrom's institutional analysis and development framework to collect detailed information on each contract. The survey was either filled in by us authors, based on information retrieved from websites and other data sources, or by experts directly involved in the different contracts. Based on the collected data, in the third step, an in-depth analysis was conducted on the public, private, and civil actors involved from different governance levels (local, regional, national, or international) and the roles these actors perform in contract governance. The dataset generated through these three steps contains 84 data files, which includes tables, figures, maps, and a text file. The dataset can be re-used by all interested in result-based, collective, land tenure, and value chain contracts for agri-environmental and climate schemes. Each contract is characterized in great detail by 34 variables making the dataset suitable for further institutional and governance analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109156
JournalData in brief
Early online date28 Apr 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation action ‘Contracts2.0’ funded under grant agreement no. 818190. We like to thank all who contributed to the identification of cases and the data collection: Sigrid Aubert, Carla Barros Erismann, Sven Defrijn, Lisa Deijl, Jennifer Dodsworth, Cédric Gendre, Johannes Koberstein, Annabelle LePage, Julia Rex, Anne Sallent, Lenny van Bussel, Korneel Verslyppe, and Carleen Weebers. Furthermore, we like to thank Katrin Lück for creating the location maps for the case narratives.

Data Availability Statement

Dataset on involved actors and their roles in the governance of innovative contracts for agri-environmental and climate schemes (Original data) (


  • Governance actors
  • Governance of ecosystem services
  • Governance tasks
  • Institutional analysis
  • Payments for ecosystem services


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