Nutritional B vitamin deficiency disrupts lipid metabolism causing accumulation of proatherogenic lipoproteins in the aorta adventitia of ApoE null mice

Christopher J. McNeil, John H. Beattie, Margaret-Jane Gordon, Lynn P. Pirie, Susan J. Duthie

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12 Citations (Scopus)


Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death in the world. Low dietary folate, elevated homocysteine, and high circulating cholesterol are risk factors.

Methods and results
We investigated whether folate and/or B vitamin deficiency would change lipoprotein and fatty acid metabolism and lipid accumulation in the aorta adventitia of ApoE null mice. Mice (n = 10 per group) were fed a control (C; 4%) or high saturated fat (HF; 21%), and high cholesterol (0.15%) diet for 16 weeks. Folate (F-) or folate, B6 and B12 deficiency (F-B-) were imposed on these diets. Feeding a HF diet increased plasma and liver total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol (two- to threefold; p < 0.05). Total cholesterol increased (twofold; p < 0.05) in aorta adventitial lipid in response to HF. Feeding a diet depleted of folate and B vitamins (F-B-) significantly increased cholesterol accumulation in both liver and aorta adventitial lipid (approximately 50–70%; p < 0.05). Moreover, the proportions of fatty acids in hepatic and adventitial lipid was significantly changed by B vitamin depletion, measured as an increase in saturated fatty acids (approximately 15%) and a decrease (approximately 11%) in monounsaturated fatty acids (p < 0.05).

B vitamin deficiency perturbs lipid metabolism in ApoE null mice, causing accumulation of proatherogenic cholesterol and fatty acids in the aorta adventitia.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1122-1130
Number of pages9
JournalMolecular Nutrition & Food Research
Issue number7
Early online date18 May 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012


  • B vitamin deficiency in ApoE null mice
  • hyperhomocysteinemia
  • lipid metabolism
  • vascular lipid deposition


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