Religious Education and Diversity (the READY project)

Graeme Nixon

Research output: Contribution to conferenceUnpublished paperpeer-review


This paper outlines the work of the Erasmus Plus funded project READY (Religious Education and Diversity). This three year project involving six educational institutions from five European countries, aims to allow participants to share approaches to teaching Religious Education (RE) at a time where issues relating to diversity, plurality, truth claims, multiculturalism and migration present pressing issues to educators and policy makers. This main focus of the project is to inform approaches to teacher education for RE, and provide a resource for academics, teachers and those who guide educational policy at this time. To date the project has involved a series of study visits and transnational meetings. In addition participants have published a series of materials, yielding a range of reflections, pedagogical approaches and recommendations which Dr Nixon will outline in his presentation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2017
EventIreland International Conference on Education - Clayton Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 24 Apr 201727 Apr 2017


ConferenceIreland International Conference on Education
Abbreviated titleIICE
Internet address


  • Religious Education
  • Diversity


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