Response to Bank of England and HM Treasury Consultation on the Digital Pound: A New Form of Money for Households and Businesses?

Burcu Yuksel Ripley, Alisdair Macpherson, Donna McKenzie Skene, Gabriel Uchechi Emeasoba

Research output: Other contribution


This response is provided by a working group of the Centre for Commercial Law at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK). The working group consists of Dr Burcu Yüksel Ripley, Dr Alisdair MacPherson, Professor Donna McKenzie Skene and Mr Gabriel Uchechi Emeasoba.
The Centre for Commercial Law (CCL) brings together researchers across the broad groups of corporate and commercial law, international trade law, intellectual property and technology law, and dispute resolution. The law relating to digital assets is one of the research areas of the CCL. Working groups and members of the CCL have responded to various calls for evidence and consultations in relation to digital assets (see and published widely in the area to help raise awareness of the issues and contribute to the development of solutions.
Original languageEnglish
TypeLegal consultation
Media of outputpdf
PublisherUniversity of Aberdeen: School of Law
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


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