Scotland Decides ’14: is the NHS fair game?

John H McKendrick, W David McCausland

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


David Cameron and other prominent unionists have accused Alex Salmond of desperation over his decision to question the future of the NHS in Scotland if it stays in the UK in recent days.

The first minister’s argument is that the Scottish health budget could be hit in future if the UK equivalent is cut. The problem, say his detractors, is that health is devolved and its budget is within the gift of the Scottish government. We asked our panel who was right.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationThe Conversation
PublisherThe Conversation UK
Publication statusPublished - 21 Aug 2014


  • Alex Salmond
  • David Cameron
  • Scotland
  • scottish referendum
  • Scotland referendum
  • Scotland Decides 14
  • NHS Scotland


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