Simultaneous Sequential Debriefing in interprofessional simulation based education

Research output: Contribution to conferenceUnpublished paperpeer-review


Interprofessional simulation based education (SBE) has become a core component of many healthcare disciplines, particularly in the context of acute and critical care continuing professional development. Theory regarding SBE has shown that the debrief is where learning is contextualised. Debriefing in interprofessional SBE can be challenging, particularly with large group sizes of learners. It as yet unknown what the optimum size of group for successful debriefing is. We describe the development of a bespoke interprofessional SBE course at the first major trauma centre in Scotland involving paramedic, nursing and medical learners with particular focus on the challenges of debriefing a moderate sized cohort of interprofessional learners with the aim of improving the immediate reception and management of the traumatised patient. We developed a method of debriefing designed to include both active learners (participants in each scenario) and observing learners in a simultaneous, sequential fashion using the 'diamond debrief' principles. Interprofessional participants were split into two groups who, in turn, participated or observed a total of 4 immediate care trauma scenarios. Simultaneous debriefs were conducted by trained facilitators in two groups (participants or observers) using the 'diamond debrief'(1) structure, key points from each debrief were then brought back to the whole cohort in a sequential fashion (participants and observers combined) facilitated by the two debriefing staff. This method allowed in depth debriefing of both groups of learners, maximised vocal participation in each group as a proportion of the large group, allowed depth of coverage from participations and observers which were then summarised back to the whole group.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2021
EventAcademy of Medical Educators: Learning together for patient care - Virtual, United Kingdom
Duration: 14 Sept 202116 Sept 2021


ConferenceAcademy of Medical Educators
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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