Some aspects of simulation based learning in medicine on the example of basic invasive skills

Valiev Timur Mikhailovich, Shekhovtsov Viktor Petrovich, Sazonov Kontastin Alexandrovich, Shapekina Elena Alexandrovna, Heather Morgan

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference presentation (Unpublished paper)peer-review


The organizational aspects of simulation-based learning in the frame of undergraduate medical education were considered in the publication. As example widely spread practical skills of invasive procedures were chosen. The following organizational aspects were investigated: the course of study, the time interval between training in simulation-based settings and clinical practice, the duration of training and methodology for performing skills. The found diversity of organizational and methodological approaches requires a single concept within this area. In this case a high level quality in training medical specialists will be reached.


ConferenceXIV International Scientific and Practical Online Conference
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
CitySaransk, Mordovia
Internet address


  • simulation-based learning
  • practical skills
  • invasive procedures
  • undergraduate medical education


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