The homology of the Brauer algebras

Rachel Boyd, Richard Hepworth, Peter Patzt

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This paper investigates the homology of the Brauer algebras, interpreted as appropriate Tor-groups, and shows that it is closely related to the homology of the symmetric group. Our main results show that when the defining parameter δ of the Brauer algebra is invertible, then the homology of the Brauer algebra is isomorphic to the homology of the symmetric group, and that when δ is not invertible, this isomorphism still holds in a range of degrees that increases with n.
Original languageEnglish
Article number85
Number of pages31
JournalSelecta Mathematica
Issue number5
Early online date25 Aug 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Peter Patzt was supported by the Danish National Research Foundation through the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (DNRF151) and the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme ERC Grant agreement ERC StG 716424 - CASe, PI Karim Adiprasito


  • Homology
  • Homological stability
  • Brauer algebras


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