The Planning of Smart City Initiatives

Ali Bayat, Peter Kawalek

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The idea of a ‘Smart City’ is increasingly widespread both as a concept and also as a practical reality. The choice of a city to become ‘Smart’ is inherently strategic yet our understanding of why and how cities make that decision is limited. This research addresses this issue by synthesising existing academic debates and evidence from the implementation of smart city initiatives around a coherent framework. The framework makes four contributions. Firstly, it addresses the successful strategic planning of smart city initiatives. Secondly, it emphasises the role of factors such as the urban context, smart city and urban vision, big data technologies, and data governance strategies. Thirdly, it provides a means for comparing cities that have already taken steps toward planning smart city initiatives and puts forward guidelines for those that are at the planning stage of the process. Fourthly, it guides future empirical research investigating the determinants and the outcomes of smart city initiatives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211
JournalAcademy of Managment Global Proceedings
Issue number2018
Early online date15 Jun 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventAcademy of Management Specialized Conference: Big Data and Managing in a Digital Economy - University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Duration: 18 Apr 201820 Apr 2018


  • Smart City
  • Big Data
  • Governance


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