The value of qualitative longitudinal research for researchers and policy makers: lessons learnt from exploring long-term impacts of flooding

Lorna Philip* (Corresponding Author), Margaret Currie, Gillian Lyon

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper offers reflections about the use of a longitudinal qualitative research design in a project which explored the long-term impacts of flooding in two communities in North-East Scotland. A temporal turn in the social sciences has raised the profile of longitudinal qualitative approaches, research whose diachronic framing allows trajectories and nuanced understandings of change to emerge. With reference to research which utilised a planned prospective longitudinal design we offer reflections on methodological and project management ‘lessons learnt’ from undertaking a longitudinal qualitative study. Our experiences highlighted the importance of: (i) participant recruitment processes, including a need to ‘oversample’ to accommodate anticipated attrition rates; (ii) developing and sustaining a relationship between participants and researchers; (iii) reporting interim findings to participants, the funder and flood risk management stakeholders via a project Steering Group in particular and (iv) agreeing a regular reporting schedule which allowed the funder and stakeholders access to findings during the lifetime of the project which, in turn allowed impact to be generated before the final report was presented. In sharing our experiences our intention is twofold, to open a debate in human geography about how longitudinal qualitative research could be used more widely, in natural hazards research, rural community change and other research areas, and to illustrate that longitudinal qualitative research generates insights that can contribute to evidence-based policy development, implementation and evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalThe Geographical Journal
Early online date11 Dec 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Dec 2023

Bibliographical note

Research reported in this paper was funded by an award from Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters.
For the purposes of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) [or other appropriate licence] licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.


  • Longitudinal qualitative research (LQR)
  • Scotland
  • Long-term impacts of flooding
  • Flood risk management
  • Participant recruitment
  • retention and attrition
  • Evidence-based policy


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