How useful are the SF-36 sub-scales in older people? Mokken scaling of data from the HALCyon programme

Gita D Mishra, Catharine R Gale, Avan Aihie Sayer, Cyrus Cooper, Elaine M Dennison, Lawrence J Whalley, Leone Christina Agnese Craig, Diana Kuh, Ian J Deary, The HALCyon Study Team

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Citations (Scopus)


PURPOSE: To evaluate two psychometric properties of SF-36, namely unidimensionality and reliability. METHODS: The data are from three cohorts in the HALCyon collaborative research programme into healthy ageing: Aberdeen Birth Cohort 1936 (n = 428), Hertfordshire Ageing Study (n = 358) and Hertfordshire Cohort Study (n = 3,216). The Mokken scaling model was applied to each sub-scale of SF-36 to evaluate unidimensionality as indicated by scalability. The lower bound for internal consistency reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: All six sub-scales of SF-36, with the exception of general health (GH) and mental health (MH), demonstrated strong scalability (0.5 = H 
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1005-1010
Number of pages6
JournalQuality of Life Research
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • SF-36
  • Psychometric properties
  • Unidimensionality
  • Reliability
  • Cronbach’s alpha
  • Mokken scaling


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